Welcome to the health daily blog
Against the better wishes of my wife and family, due to high traffic of this subject. Also the fact that I have no filter for niceness in my words. I will not hold back and show and inform everyone how you can combat the issues of health.
So if you are sensitive about your health or weight then you should leave this page immediately!
People: NO matter Race, color, or creed, we all fight the same battels of sickness in family and friends.
What we will cover on this blog is to talk about some of them as far as attempting to prevent them and the best ways of doing just that.
Things like
- Alzheimer
- Weight loss
- Cancer
- Arthritis
- kidney issues
- and more
REMEMBER I have no PHD but I am a realist, that see the tv info on medications with side effects that are worse then what your being treated for.
One of the best books I have found is an all natural book
And only treats the issue not the base problem.
Sponsorship of this blog is from outdoorsman professionals at camping gear sales that believe good health and family time in the wild are the same